Reset a Forgotten Password

Important:  you must have the Reset passwords permission selected in your own user user account to reset a forgotten password for another user.  Otherwise, the system will prompt you to enter the user’s old (forgotten) password first.

To reset a forgotten password:

1.  Open the employee’s user account (central menu → System → Users → Active Users.)

2.  On the main Details page of the user account, select Set/Change Password.  This will bring you to the password helper page.

3.  Follow the prompts to enter and confirm the user’s new password.

4.  When you are finished, save and close the record.

If you were prompted to enter the user’s old (forgotten) password first, this means you don’t have the Reset passwords permission selected in your own user account.  You must have this permission selected in your own user account in order to reset forgotten passwords for other users.